Friday 5 March 2010

Twenty second blog- Last minute adjustments

We have finished uploading our film opening onto a disk. But we have to improve the sound and some of the noises in the background. We will do this by adding some music in the background to show tension and to fill in the jumpy gaps.We also have to make the titles longer as when watched, the words at the bottom of the screen distract the audience from seeing the title at the top of the screen. So we have decided to make the titles longer and make sure that they don't run over each other and confuse the audience. We also put the title at the end in big bold letters and in blood red, symbolising the deaths in the opening it is printed on a black background to make it bolder and so it stands out. We have used some background music for the first scene and the second scene, where Chad is being chased, Barry is screaming for help and the murderer walks away from Barry after axing him. The music we had for the murderer walking away is the same music used for when he chases Jennifer and she hits him with the big stick to get help.

Thursday 4 March 2010

Twenty First blog- Character comparrison- Evaluation

I have chosen to compare the character of Donna Keppel in Prom Night played by Brittany Snow and Jennifer in our opening film played by me (Katie Douglas).
These two characters have similarities and differences. The similarities in each other is that they are both in the same scenario, they both find their friends/family dead and a mad man is coming after them. They both do nothing to stop the killings and they just hide.

Jennifer is different to Donna because when faced with the murderer, she reacts and thinks fast by hitting him with a stick and running to get help. Whilst Donna lets her guard down and she gets caught by the murderer.

Both character have the last opening scene as them in a panicky state and they are remembering the loss of the people who were important to them. In the rest of the films, the murderer comes back to 'seek revenge'. Although in our own film there isn't the rest of it but that was in our plot and original idea.

Both character are similar because they are seen as popular and having a good social life. Donna has come back from Prom Night and she has been with her friends, so she comes back to see her family and is devastated to see that they are dead. Jennifer is hanging about with her friends at the time they get killed, she is in such shock when she sees Cindy die, she doesn't move to help Whitney as she runs off to find the police but when the murderer comes after her she makes a break for it and thinks fast to slow him down so she can escape.

Twentith blog- Evaluation questions

1. In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?
Our opening film is similar to Prom Night, as it is what we based our opening on. In Prom night it has allot more scenes and it uses better shots of the Characters. Also it has a bit more dialogue and action. Whereas we had very little dialogue and not allot of action, it was more reactions we had that running and fighting, our characters screamed more and showed more reactions. The storyline was very similar as we had a murderer killing the main characters family to try and get to her. In our opening we had the murderer killing the main characters friends to try and get to her.

2.How does your media product represent particular social groups?
Our media product represents the teenage social group as it has teenagers in it, it shows typical teens in a horrible scenario. It shows that any teenager could end in this position even though it is very far fetched but possible. The characters use modern language, one of them swears which is common language of some teenagers, and they use some colloquial language for slang words.

3.What kind of media institution might distribute your media project and why?
I think if anyone would distribute our opening film it would be a very small local distributor, this is because we don't have much of a budget and it isn't a high quality of filming and editing. A small company would most probably put our film opening on the Internet as it is cheap and not many people if any would buy it to want to produce it.

4.Who would be the audience for your media product?
Our audience for our opening film would be teenagers and young adults. People varied from the ages of 12 to 20. I feel if older people saw it they wouldn't appreciate it as much as the other younger viewers would.

5. How did you attract/address your audience?
We used a questionnaire to help us to know what to put in our opening film, this would attract them to see it because it has some of what they wanted to see in it. We also told people that we were filming it and who would be in it, our actors are good and some take drama so they can act really well, while other actors like Grace and I don't do drama so our acting skills aren't all that good.

6. What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?
Personally i have learnt that the technology part of the film opening process is difficult. The editing is quite complex and the camera angles in filming take a while to get right. The blogger this year are easier to use that the PowerPoint's as we can update it and everyone can see it so we know what everyone else is doing too.

7.Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression of it to the full product?
Honestly i think that our preliminary task was allot better than our main one, the filming and editing had problems and it doesn't really flow well. But we have learned allot in the evaluation to do it, we have put allot more information in it and more technical information but as i said, the end product is not as good as the Preliminary task.

Wednesday 3 March 2010

Media post- Film Storyboard

This is our new storyboard made with actual shots from the opening film.
The first shot is of Chad running away from the murderer, after this he trips over a fallen log and his arm is sliced off by the murderer. The second scene is of Barry looking worried as he had been calling for Chad, he finds Chads scarf on a tree branch and starts to get even more worried, later on he finds what he thinks is Chad but in fact it is his arm that had been sliced off, he then goes into panic as the murderer is now coming for him, the murderer then swings an axe at him, hits him in the chest and Bary falls like a log into the river. The third shot is of the murderer walking away after killing Barry, he has a scar on his face which shows he has been in some sort of accident earlier in life. The fourth shot is of Cindy, Whitney and Jennifer, Whitney and Jennifer are running away at this point as the figure walking towards them is the murderer but Cindy is convinced that it is Chad. The fifth shot is of Cindy being stabbed by the murderer, as she didn't have time to run because it took her a while longer that Jennifer and Whitney that the figure wasn't Chad. The sixth shot is of Whitney lying on the ground with blood all on her chest, this is because she has just been stabbed by the murderer, she ran away thinking she could get help but she caught the attention of the murderer and he came after her, she falls over and ditch and is stabbed. The seventh shot is of Jennifer on looking the murderer as he had just killed Whitney, she starts to run and the murderer follows. The eighth shot is of Jennifer hitting the murderer with a large stick, she knocks him down and runs to find help as before the police sirens were heard in the background. The final shot is of Jennifer sitting in a school in a panicky state as she heard the screams and cries from her now dead friends.

Friday 26 February 2010

Media blog- Shrek deconstruction

This is a deconstruction of Shrek, the first one. Here the villagers plan to capture shrek because the King of Dulop wants all the Fairy Tale creatures captured and evicted from Dulop.
The first scene is of Shrek calmly eating his dinner not knowing what is about to happen.
The second scene is of the villagers getting ready to find Shrek and capture him.
The third scene is of Shrek noticing the villagers with pitch forks and torches, so he plans to sneak up on them.
The fourth scene is of the villagers getting ready to go into Shreks house.
The fifth scene is of Shrek sneaking up behind the villagers and telling them how horrifying ogres can be.
The sixth scene is of Shrek screaming at the villagers to scare them
The seventh scene is of the villagers screaming in terror from Shrek
The eighth scene is of the villagers running away
And the final scene is of Shrek picking up a sign showing a reward to people who bring the Fairy Tale Creatures to Lord Farquad so they can evict them.

Thursday 25 February 2010

Nineteenth blog- Title font and style- Evaluation

For our titles, we show the actors names at the beginning of the first scene, also show the titles of Director, Producer, Co-producer, Editor and Cameramen and then we show the name of the Film Opening 'Jeraha Kumbukumbu'

We used a basic font so that the titles are easy to read, it was done in a white colour so it's again easy to read over the dark-ish background.

We put all the titles at the beginning if the opening because we felt we should get it shown before all the action took place.