Thursday 17 December 2009

Third Blog

After looking at the results from our questionnaire Grayce and i have taken them into account whilst making our film.

1)The favorite genre of film was Comedy closely followed by horror. We have decided to do a horror, this is because it is popular with people and we did a comedy for our Preliminary task.

2)In an opening people like to see blood, this is good for our horror as we can put allot of blood in the opening scenes.

3)The actors are important to people, we feel that our Preliminary task went really well and the main characters were great. So we have asked them to be in our main task opening film so people will recognise them and hopefully enjoy it.

4)Special effects are not an issue with some people but others like it in an opening, this may cause problems with the effects and all the blood and guts but we are researching how to make all these effects happen

5)People don't want the action to a minimum, so this means we have to put some in and not be a mellow opening, this will be fun to get allot of action in but it will be hard to squeeze it all in.

6)The majority of the people we asked thought that the credits don't ruin the reality of the film at the beginning so we might try to put these in at the start.

Media post- Questionnaire results

For our results, we found out what people like to see in a film. The most popular genre of films were comedy and horror. In the opening they like to see blood and action, and they don't think the credits ruin the reality of the film at the beginning. Special effects are not a problem in an amateur film and the actors are usually important to them.
These results will help us to make a film opening and produce a good opening that people will like.

Friday 11 December 2009

Second Blog

Grace and I have brainstormed again to get more ideas, we have arranged the characters, the setting and some of the plot. We will shot some scenes in the dark with some trees and places to hide, Becca Cronin's house is good for this because it has a patch of green outside it and street lamps for light. We have chosen our main character and the other characters and what their roles are in the film opening. The other characters will get murdered by a serial killer who is after the main character. This will all be a past memory of the main character. We will show the killings first and then go back to the present day of the main character. We have also made a brainstorm which we will post too.

Thursday 10 December 2009

Media post- Questionnaire

Media post- Deconstruction of Prom Night

We deconstructed the beginning of Prom Night, this was because in Prom Night, it tells part of the story in the first few minutes. It shows a girl coming home and finding that her father, brother and mother are dead, they had been killed by an obsessive stalker to try and get to her. The final picture in this deconstruction is of her in therapy. The beginning of Prom Night is a flash back/memory. We want to use this kind of opening for our main task as it can show allot of information about the film and it sets the scene for the rest of the film.

Thursday 3 December 2009

First Blog

For our project, Grayce and I decided to go in a group of two, this was because it is less peoples idea to deal with and less conflict between members. We have decided to do the opening to a horror film because horrors are good and we want the challenge of doing serious acting instead of comedy. We will update our joint blog with a video diary every week of our ideas and the progress we make.