Tuesday 5 January 2010

Fourth Blog

After having a break over the holidays, we have completed the script, sorted out the location and how to use the area around us. We are having some trouble with the scripting to make sure it is 2 minutes long but we feel that it may be longer, we will shorten it whilst filming and editing. We have done one deconstruction but are finding it hard to do the other one because film openings like Prom Night aren't popular and so they are difficult to find. We will inform our actors when we are going to film and what locations we are using. The props we have decided to use will be difficult to get because we will have to make some of them for special effects so we can have deformed bodies and limbs. There is a problem with the current weather as there is snow on the ground and it is cold, this could cause problems for the actors as they need to be able to fall on the floor if they get killed. We will find a way to sort this out or an alternative place to film.

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