Tuesday 23 February 2010

Fithteenth blog- Camerawork and Editing- Evaluation

For our camerawork, we both filmed certain parts and also we had help from another one of the characters because we were both in the scene. I feel we can both do well in the camera work and can shoot quite good angles. For the editing, Grace does all of it as she is faster and better at using the Adobe Premier Elements. She had to edit the first scene allot as it had many shots of Chad running and we used match on action so we could see the front and back of him, she also put shots of the murderer in there so we knew who Chad was running away from. While Grace edits, I help write the new script and do some of the evaluation. Because Grace edited our preliminary task, we felt it was best if she did the main one too as she knows what she is doing and can get it done quite fast. We both have input to what scenes should go where and what looks best and sometimes I can help her when to cut pieces out and leave pieces in but she has the majority decision which I'm okay with.

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