Thursday 25 February 2010

Media blog- New script


Script – Film Opening

Jennifer - Caitlin Douglas
Whitney – Grayce Collis
Chad – Ricky Roy
Cindy – Becca Cronin
Barry – Marcus Papworth
Murderer – Tom Suchoruckza

Chad is running away from something through a forest. Mysterious figure follows him.
Chad trips over branch, get leg caught under heavy log turns round to see a dark figure.

Chad: Argh my leg
Dark Figure lunges at Chad with a spade
Chad: No, no, no!
The sound of the snapping of Chad’s arm, it is sliced off.

Barry is walking through the woods shouting for Chad.

Barry: Oi Chad mate where are ya?
Barry continues to search
Barry: Chad? Come on it ain’t funny now. Chad?
Barry finds Chad’s scarf hanging from a tree. Barry looks scared
Barry: Chad!
Puts hands to face
Barry: Oh. Chad?
Finds arm under a bush
Barry: Oh Shit, oh, oh my god
Murderer comes toward Barry
Barry: Oh, no, no please don’t. No!
Barry: Leave me alone, please don’t hurt me!
Murderer: NO!
Murderer hits Barry in the chest with an axe; Barry falls into the river with a splash
Murderer stands there with bloody axe, then walk off

Cindy, Whitney and Jennifer are walking along the little bridge
They see a figure coming towards them

Jennifer: I wonder where they are
Whitney: I’m cold
Cindy: Chad? Look its Chad
Jennifer & Whitney: That’s not Chad
Whitney and Jennifer run away but Cindy stays
Whitney: Come on Cindy. Cindy!
Jennifer and Whitney scream
Cindy is stabbed and falls to the floor
Jennifer and Whitney are hiding behind a tree and hear police sirens
Whitney: Let’s go!
Whitney begins to run for help
Murderer chases Whitney but she falls to the floor
Jennifer stays behind the tree and watches on as Whitney is stabbed.

Murderer turns to see Jennifer standing there
She starts to run
The murderer follows her
She gets to the top of a small hill and has enough time to pick up a big stick and hits the murderer

Murderer: No!
Jennifer runs and screams for help
Jennifer: HELP!

Jennifer is sitting in a panicky state
She hears the screams of her friends in her head

(Barry): Leave me alone, please don’t hurt me!
(Chad): No!
(Whitney) screams
(Jennifer): Help!
(Barry): Chad!
(Cindy): Chad!
(Whitney): Cindy no!
(Barry): No!! (Splash)

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