Thursday 11 February 2010

Twelfth blog- Movie title- Evaluation

For our movie opening we have decided to name it 'Jeraha Kumbukumbu' which is Swahili for 'Deadly Memories'. We didn't want to spend too long on coming up with a name so we quickly decided on this. The film is about the main character Jennifer remembering the deaths of her friends and how a man wanted to kill her. The last scene is of Jennifer in a panicky state as she had just reminisced about the horrible memories. She keeps seeing the murderer in her dreams and fears that one day he will return. We chose to translate deadly memories into Swahili because it sounds more exotic, interesting and mysterious. If it was called just 'Deadly Memories' i don't think it would sound as appealing and fun as it is in Swahili. The fact that it is in a foreign language makes it more exciting and if it was in English it would give away what the movie opening is about.

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