Tuesday 23 February 2010

Seventeenth blog- Genre and how the opening suggests it- Evaluation

The genre for our film opening is horror this is shown by;

There is tension in the opening, it shows us that the audience don't know what is going to happen to the characters and they don't know that there is a murderer that is going to kill them. Each murder is quite brutal and the audience know that each character are going to suffer a painful death.

The setting shows an eerie place and it is fairly obvious that the characters will run into some trouble. So when we first see Chad, he is running from a mysterious figure and it is clear that something bad will happen to him. Each death leads to the other, Barry goes looking for Chad, he finds his arm and is then face to face with the murderer, he is then stabbed and falls into the river.

Cindy, Whitney and Jennifer go looking for both Chad and Barry, a dark figure walks towards them, Cindy thinks is it Chad but Whitney and Jennifer see that it isn't him and run, the encourage Cindy to run but it is too late and the murderer kills her too,there is a noise of police sirens in the background, this suggests a safe escape for Jennifer and Whitney but the murderer then goes after Whitney as she ran out of the bushes to get away whilst Jennifer stayed where she was. Whitney runs and falls over, the murderer then stabs her and then he then turns round to see Jennifer and goes towards her.

As Jennifer runs, we see the dead bodies of Cindy and Whitney, she knows that she might get killed so she only has one option, to somehow slow down the murderer, she runs to the top of a small hill, she has just enough time to pick up a big stick and hit him with it, she then runs off into the distance shouting for help.

The final scene is of Jennifer sitting in a a school, she is remembering the nightmare of murders she had, she sits there is a panicky state while she hears all of her friends being killed, this keeps replaying in her head. As she sits there, she doesn't know that the murderer is back and is coming for her...

This leaves the audience wondering what will happen to Jennifer and they don't know at the time that the murderer will come back to seek vengeance on her.

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