Friday 5 March 2010

Twenty second blog- Last minute adjustments

We have finished uploading our film opening onto a disk. But we have to improve the sound and some of the noises in the background. We will do this by adding some music in the background to show tension and to fill in the jumpy gaps.We also have to make the titles longer as when watched, the words at the bottom of the screen distract the audience from seeing the title at the top of the screen. So we have decided to make the titles longer and make sure that they don't run over each other and confuse the audience. We also put the title at the end in big bold letters and in blood red, symbolising the deaths in the opening it is printed on a black background to make it bolder and so it stands out. We have used some background music for the first scene and the second scene, where Chad is being chased, Barry is screaming for help and the murderer walks away from Barry after axing him. The music we had for the murderer walking away is the same music used for when he chases Jennifer and she hits him with the big stick to get help.

Thursday 4 March 2010

Twenty First blog- Character comparrison- Evaluation

I have chosen to compare the character of Donna Keppel in Prom Night played by Brittany Snow and Jennifer in our opening film played by me (Katie Douglas).
These two characters have similarities and differences. The similarities in each other is that they are both in the same scenario, they both find their friends/family dead and a mad man is coming after them. They both do nothing to stop the killings and they just hide.

Jennifer is different to Donna because when faced with the murderer, she reacts and thinks fast by hitting him with a stick and running to get help. Whilst Donna lets her guard down and she gets caught by the murderer.

Both character have the last opening scene as them in a panicky state and they are remembering the loss of the people who were important to them. In the rest of the films, the murderer comes back to 'seek revenge'. Although in our own film there isn't the rest of it but that was in our plot and original idea.

Both character are similar because they are seen as popular and having a good social life. Donna has come back from Prom Night and she has been with her friends, so she comes back to see her family and is devastated to see that they are dead. Jennifer is hanging about with her friends at the time they get killed, she is in such shock when she sees Cindy die, she doesn't move to help Whitney as she runs off to find the police but when the murderer comes after her she makes a break for it and thinks fast to slow him down so she can escape.

Twentith blog- Evaluation questions

1. In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?
Our opening film is similar to Prom Night, as it is what we based our opening on. In Prom night it has allot more scenes and it uses better shots of the Characters. Also it has a bit more dialogue and action. Whereas we had very little dialogue and not allot of action, it was more reactions we had that running and fighting, our characters screamed more and showed more reactions. The storyline was very similar as we had a murderer killing the main characters family to try and get to her. In our opening we had the murderer killing the main characters friends to try and get to her.

2.How does your media product represent particular social groups?
Our media product represents the teenage social group as it has teenagers in it, it shows typical teens in a horrible scenario. It shows that any teenager could end in this position even though it is very far fetched but possible. The characters use modern language, one of them swears which is common language of some teenagers, and they use some colloquial language for slang words.

3.What kind of media institution might distribute your media project and why?
I think if anyone would distribute our opening film it would be a very small local distributor, this is because we don't have much of a budget and it isn't a high quality of filming and editing. A small company would most probably put our film opening on the Internet as it is cheap and not many people if any would buy it to want to produce it.

4.Who would be the audience for your media product?
Our audience for our opening film would be teenagers and young adults. People varied from the ages of 12 to 20. I feel if older people saw it they wouldn't appreciate it as much as the other younger viewers would.

5. How did you attract/address your audience?
We used a questionnaire to help us to know what to put in our opening film, this would attract them to see it because it has some of what they wanted to see in it. We also told people that we were filming it and who would be in it, our actors are good and some take drama so they can act really well, while other actors like Grace and I don't do drama so our acting skills aren't all that good.

6. What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?
Personally i have learnt that the technology part of the film opening process is difficult. The editing is quite complex and the camera angles in filming take a while to get right. The blogger this year are easier to use that the PowerPoint's as we can update it and everyone can see it so we know what everyone else is doing too.

7.Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression of it to the full product?
Honestly i think that our preliminary task was allot better than our main one, the filming and editing had problems and it doesn't really flow well. But we have learned allot in the evaluation to do it, we have put allot more information in it and more technical information but as i said, the end product is not as good as the Preliminary task.

Wednesday 3 March 2010

Media post- Film Storyboard

This is our new storyboard made with actual shots from the opening film.
The first shot is of Chad running away from the murderer, after this he trips over a fallen log and his arm is sliced off by the murderer. The second scene is of Barry looking worried as he had been calling for Chad, he finds Chads scarf on a tree branch and starts to get even more worried, later on he finds what he thinks is Chad but in fact it is his arm that had been sliced off, he then goes into panic as the murderer is now coming for him, the murderer then swings an axe at him, hits him in the chest and Bary falls like a log into the river. The third shot is of the murderer walking away after killing Barry, he has a scar on his face which shows he has been in some sort of accident earlier in life. The fourth shot is of Cindy, Whitney and Jennifer, Whitney and Jennifer are running away at this point as the figure walking towards them is the murderer but Cindy is convinced that it is Chad. The fifth shot is of Cindy being stabbed by the murderer, as she didn't have time to run because it took her a while longer that Jennifer and Whitney that the figure wasn't Chad. The sixth shot is of Whitney lying on the ground with blood all on her chest, this is because she has just been stabbed by the murderer, she ran away thinking she could get help but she caught the attention of the murderer and he came after her, she falls over and ditch and is stabbed. The seventh shot is of Jennifer on looking the murderer as he had just killed Whitney, she starts to run and the murderer follows. The eighth shot is of Jennifer hitting the murderer with a large stick, she knocks him down and runs to find help as before the police sirens were heard in the background. The final shot is of Jennifer sitting in a school in a panicky state as she heard the screams and cries from her now dead friends.

Friday 26 February 2010

Media blog- Shrek deconstruction

This is a deconstruction of Shrek, the first one. Here the villagers plan to capture shrek because the King of Dulop wants all the Fairy Tale creatures captured and evicted from Dulop.
The first scene is of Shrek calmly eating his dinner not knowing what is about to happen.
The second scene is of the villagers getting ready to find Shrek and capture him.
The third scene is of Shrek noticing the villagers with pitch forks and torches, so he plans to sneak up on them.
The fourth scene is of the villagers getting ready to go into Shreks house.
The fifth scene is of Shrek sneaking up behind the villagers and telling them how horrifying ogres can be.
The sixth scene is of Shrek screaming at the villagers to scare them
The seventh scene is of the villagers screaming in terror from Shrek
The eighth scene is of the villagers running away
And the final scene is of Shrek picking up a sign showing a reward to people who bring the Fairy Tale Creatures to Lord Farquad so they can evict them.

Thursday 25 February 2010

Nineteenth blog- Title font and style- Evaluation

For our titles, we show the actors names at the beginning of the first scene, also show the titles of Director, Producer, Co-producer, Editor and Cameramen and then we show the name of the Film Opening 'Jeraha Kumbukumbu'

We used a basic font so that the titles are easy to read, it was done in a white colour so it's again easy to read over the dark-ish background.

We put all the titles at the beginning if the opening because we felt we should get it shown before all the action took place.

Media blog- After film opening questionnaire

After film questionnaire

1. Did you enjoy the film opening?

2. What would you like to see more of?

3. Was there enough action?

4. Were the actors decent?

5. How was the camera work?

6. Overall what would you rate this film out of ten?

Media blog- New script


Script – Film Opening

Jennifer - Caitlin Douglas
Whitney – Grayce Collis
Chad – Ricky Roy
Cindy – Becca Cronin
Barry – Marcus Papworth
Murderer – Tom Suchoruckza

Chad is running away from something through a forest. Mysterious figure follows him.
Chad trips over branch, get leg caught under heavy log turns round to see a dark figure.

Chad: Argh my leg
Dark Figure lunges at Chad with a spade
Chad: No, no, no!
The sound of the snapping of Chad’s arm, it is sliced off.

Barry is walking through the woods shouting for Chad.

Barry: Oi Chad mate where are ya?
Barry continues to search
Barry: Chad? Come on it ain’t funny now. Chad?
Barry finds Chad’s scarf hanging from a tree. Barry looks scared
Barry: Chad!
Puts hands to face
Barry: Oh. Chad?
Finds arm under a bush
Barry: Oh Shit, oh, oh my god
Murderer comes toward Barry
Barry: Oh, no, no please don’t. No!
Barry: Leave me alone, please don’t hurt me!
Murderer: NO!
Murderer hits Barry in the chest with an axe; Barry falls into the river with a splash
Murderer stands there with bloody axe, then walk off

Cindy, Whitney and Jennifer are walking along the little bridge
They see a figure coming towards them

Jennifer: I wonder where they are
Whitney: I’m cold
Cindy: Chad? Look its Chad
Jennifer & Whitney: That’s not Chad
Whitney and Jennifer run away but Cindy stays
Whitney: Come on Cindy. Cindy!
Jennifer and Whitney scream
Cindy is stabbed and falls to the floor
Jennifer and Whitney are hiding behind a tree and hear police sirens
Whitney: Let’s go!
Whitney begins to run for help
Murderer chases Whitney but she falls to the floor
Jennifer stays behind the tree and watches on as Whitney is stabbed.

Murderer turns to see Jennifer standing there
She starts to run
The murderer follows her
She gets to the top of a small hill and has enough time to pick up a big stick and hits the murderer

Murderer: No!
Jennifer runs and screams for help
Jennifer: HELP!

Jennifer is sitting in a panicky state
She hears the screams of her friends in her head

(Barry): Leave me alone, please don’t hurt me!
(Chad): No!
(Whitney) screams
(Jennifer): Help!
(Barry): Chad!
(Cindy): Chad!
(Whitney): Cindy no!
(Barry): No!! (Splash)

Wednesday 24 February 2010

Media blog- Opening scenes from Creep

This is the first scene from Creep, here the main character (Kate) is in a London underground, she is waiting for the last train but falls asleep and misses it.

When she wakes up, she manages to catch another train running through the night. The train suddenly stops and she is confused as to why.

She goes looking for the driver but his door is locked, she peers through the peep hole in the door but cannot see that the driver has been killed. The lights then go off on the train and she sees a flashing light at the bottom of the carriage.

The lights then turn on and she finds Guy, whom she had met at a party earlier that evening, he feels they have a connection but Kate doesn't want anything to do with him. Guy then attacks Kate but suddenly Guy is dragged off the train and onto the rails underneath it.

Guy is then shown clambering up to the train floor all bloody and terrified, he tells Kate to go and is then pulled under. Kate then runs to the end of the train and tries to get away, she opens the drivers door and shuts it.

Kate then sees someones feet apear at the bottom of the door so she manages to open the door to the tracks below and runs away back to one of the platforms.

Eighteenth blog- How the characters are introduced- Evaluation

This is Chad, he is shown here as running away from the murderer. He is a very energetic character and to his friends he seems quite fearless. He shows a lot of stamina when being chased by the murderer but he is so scared that he doesn't look where he is going and trips over a log, he then has his arm chopped off with a spade by the murderer
This is Barry, he is first seen looking and shouting for his friend Chad. He finds Chads scarf and gets worried. He is the type of person who is cool on the outside but self conscious on the inside. He is quite a popular person and his speech is shown to be up to date as he used words like ain't. He thinks he has found Chad but to his terror he has found his chopped off arm under a bush, he is then attacked by the murderer with an axe and falls into the river.
This is Cindy, she is first shown to the audience with Jennifer and Whitney as they are looking for Chad and Barry. She is shown to be quite gullible and a bit stupid as she thinks the murderer is Chad, while Jennifer and Whitney run away, she stays to see if it's Chad, it isn't and she is stabbed by the murderer leaving her friends watching in terror.
This is Whitney, she is first shown to the audience also with Jennifer and Cindy, she watches on as Whitney is stabbed but makes the mistake of running and catching the murderers attention, thus he follows her, she trips over a branch and is stabbed by him. She is a very sociable person but is scared quite easily and can't keep a cool head, she makes bad decisions that are costly, most importantly, the last one she made by running away from the murderer.
This is the murderer, he doesn't have a name because it isn't important. He is first shown to the audience chasing Chad. His prime purpose is to get to Jennifer as he is an obsessive man from her past. He will do anything to get to her, and so he kills her friends one by one to get to her. In the second last scene, he chases Jennifer but is struck by a big stick and caught by the police. What the audience doesn't know is that he had escaped from jail and was coming to get revenge on Jennifer.
This the main character Jennifer, she is first shown walking with Whitney and Cindy, she runs off with Whitney while Cindy waits from the murderer, but she doesn't know it is the murderer, she watches Cindy and Whitney die. She is a very calm person and is responsible, she is a quick thinker and is close to all her friends so when they die, she can't stop thinking about the day they got killed because of her, she keeps reminiscing those moments in her head since the day it happened.

Tuesday 23 February 2010

Seventeenth blog- Genre and how the opening suggests it- Evaluation

The genre for our film opening is horror this is shown by;

There is tension in the opening, it shows us that the audience don't know what is going to happen to the characters and they don't know that there is a murderer that is going to kill them. Each murder is quite brutal and the audience know that each character are going to suffer a painful death.

The setting shows an eerie place and it is fairly obvious that the characters will run into some trouble. So when we first see Chad, he is running from a mysterious figure and it is clear that something bad will happen to him. Each death leads to the other, Barry goes looking for Chad, he finds his arm and is then face to face with the murderer, he is then stabbed and falls into the river.

Cindy, Whitney and Jennifer go looking for both Chad and Barry, a dark figure walks towards them, Cindy thinks is it Chad but Whitney and Jennifer see that it isn't him and run, the encourage Cindy to run but it is too late and the murderer kills her too,there is a noise of police sirens in the background, this suggests a safe escape for Jennifer and Whitney but the murderer then goes after Whitney as she ran out of the bushes to get away whilst Jennifer stayed where she was. Whitney runs and falls over, the murderer then stabs her and then he then turns round to see Jennifer and goes towards her.

As Jennifer runs, we see the dead bodies of Cindy and Whitney, she knows that she might get killed so she only has one option, to somehow slow down the murderer, she runs to the top of a small hill, she has just enough time to pick up a big stick and hit him with it, she then runs off into the distance shouting for help.

The final scene is of Jennifer sitting in a a school, she is remembering the nightmare of murders she had, she sits there is a panicky state while she hears all of her friends being killed, this keeps replaying in her head. As she sits there, she doesn't know that the murderer is back and is coming for her...

This leaves the audience wondering what will happen to Jennifer and they don't know at the time that the murderer will come back to seek vengeance on her.

Sixthteenth blog- Story and how the opening sets it up- Evaluation

The story of our film is;

The main character's (Jennifer) friends are brutally killed by a mad man, she manages to escape from him but a few months later the murderer returns to seek vengeance on Jennifer. The film opens with Chad running away from the murderer, he trips over a fallen branch and gets his arm cut off by the murderers spade. Barry goes looking for Chad, he finds his scarf hanging on a tree branch, he then finds Chads hacked off arm under a bush, while he is in a state of shock, the murderer appears from behind a bush and stabs Barry with an axe, thus Barry falls into the river. Cindy, Whitney and Jennifer and wandering around looking for both Barry and Chad, they see a figure coming towards them, Jennifer and Whitney realise that the figure isn't Chad but Cindy stays to greet who she thinks is Chad. The figure appears to be the murderer and Cindy is stabbed. The murderer then follows Whitney and Jennifer, Jennifer hides behind a tree whilst Whitney runs, the murderer follows her and she trips over a hole in the ground, she is then stabbed by the murderer. He then turns round to chase Jennifer, she runs up a small slope and has enough time to grab a big stick so that when the murderer managed to get up there, she could hit him with it and run for safety

Fithteenth blog- Camerawork and Editing- Evaluation

For our camerawork, we both filmed certain parts and also we had help from another one of the characters because we were both in the scene. I feel we can both do well in the camera work and can shoot quite good angles. For the editing, Grace does all of it as she is faster and better at using the Adobe Premier Elements. She had to edit the first scene allot as it had many shots of Chad running and we used match on action so we could see the front and back of him, she also put shots of the murderer in there so we knew who Chad was running away from. While Grace edits, I help write the new script and do some of the evaluation. Because Grace edited our preliminary task, we felt it was best if she did the main one too as she knows what she is doing and can get it done quite fast. We both have input to what scenes should go where and what looks best and sometimes I can help her when to cut pieces out and leave pieces in but she has the majority decision which I'm okay with.

Fourteenth blog- Setting/Location- Evaluation

We filmed our film opening at the Nature Reserve in Whittlesey. We used this because it is in a wooded area and it has an eerie setting. It was close to our original setting so the arrangements to film didn't change much. It was a little bit difficult to film because there was noises in the background that we didnt want, there was a train track nearby and trains came past every 20 minutes or so, this made it difficult to know when to film and try and cut the sound out. We used various locations in the Nature Reserve because we needed it to look like all the characters were comming from a different place and had to be killed in a different place.

Thursday 11 February 2010

Thirteenth blog-Costumes and Props- Evaluation

All the costumes and props we uses were things we had at home. The costumes were just old clothes and ordinary footwear;

Jennifer wore a hoodie, jeans and flat shoes.
Whitney wore a t-shirt, jeans and welly boots.
Cindy wore t-shirts, a skirt with leggings and an open hoddie.
Chad wore a black hoodie, jeans and flat shoes.
Barry wore a grey hoodie, jeans and flat shoes also.
The Murderer wore dark jeans, dark shoes and a black hoodie with the hood up to hide his face.

We used old clothes so that we could cover them in 'blood' and the clothes wouldn't be needed again. Also we didnt need a strict costume for each character as they were just playing normal teenagers so it was pretty easy.

Twelfth blog- Movie title- Evaluation

For our movie opening we have decided to name it 'Jeraha Kumbukumbu' which is Swahili for 'Deadly Memories'. We didn't want to spend too long on coming up with a name so we quickly decided on this. The film is about the main character Jennifer remembering the deaths of her friends and how a man wanted to kill her. The last scene is of Jennifer in a panicky state as she had just reminisced about the horrible memories. She keeps seeing the murderer in her dreams and fears that one day he will return. We chose to translate deadly memories into Swahili because it sounds more exotic, interesting and mysterious. If it was called just 'Deadly Memories' i don't think it would sound as appealing and fun as it is in Swahili. The fact that it is in a foreign language makes it more exciting and if it was in English it would give away what the movie opening is about.

Friday 5 February 2010

Eleventh blog- Camera log

We took the camera out to film on Thursday 28Th January, we kept it until Wednesday 4Th of February, unfortunately, we had to give the camera back to the library so that another group could film. Due to the technical difficulties with the Adobe Premier Elements we can't get the film on the computer. We will try to get it fixed but in the meantime we will make another questionnaire and start our evaluation.

Thursday 4 February 2010

Tenth blog- Filming

We have successfully filmed our main task, we are having slight problems with the school computers because the Adobe Premier Elements weren't working and we had to put the film on the computer, we don't know if it is fixed now but as soon as we put it on we can edit and do evaluations and all the rest of the stuff to do. We managed to film it in one day, which is good for our continuity and timing.

Sunday 31 January 2010

Ninth Blog- Filming

On Thursday 28Th we filmed our main task, we only had until 5 o'clock to do it, which meant that we had to get Ricky and Marcus' shots done first. We just need to put the film on the computer and we will edit it. It may be difficult to shorten it to 2 minutes but i think it will work. We changed some of the plot and character, meaning we have to do another storyboard and also, the characters improvised when filming so we will have to do another script. When editing we will have to put our credits in whilst the film is playing but i think we should get the majority of this done by the end of this week.

Thursday 28 January 2010

Media post- New location pictures

This is where Chad is running away from the murderer in the opening scene.
This is the log he falls over and is stabbed by the murderer.
This is the lake Barry falls into after being stabbed by the murderer.
Again this is the lake, but closer up.
This is where Barry finds Chads scarf hanging on a branch whilst looking for him.
This is the 'cliff' where Jennifer pushes the murderer to get away from him.
This is the tree Whitney and Jennifer hid behind to escape from the murderer.
This is where Whitney runs through to try and get away from the murderer.
This is where the murderer steps out and kills Whitney.

Friday 22 January 2010

Eighth Blog

We have decided and organised all of our filming, we will film on Thursday the 28Th, we have all of our characters; Me (Katie), Grayce Collis, Becca Cronin, Ricky Roy, Tom Suchoruckza and Marcus Papworth, we will get the filming done on that one day so we can have more time to edit it and finish our main task.

Media post - Props

This is the knife the murderer will use to kill Whitney, it is made from cardboard and tinfoil, it doesn't look that realistic so we can use it for far away shots instead.
This is red food colouring with water, we used it to make blood. We thought that it needed to be thicker and more realistic so when we make it, we'll put flour in it and hopefully it will look believable.

This is our arm, it is made by scrunching up newapaper and putting it in tights, we had to use a couple pairs of tights so they wouldnt rip, the glove on the end also has newspaper in it to make it fuller, we will get a sleeve on it and make blood and guts so it will loo like it has been cut off.

Seventh Blog

We have started to make our props for filming, we needed weapons and costumes and body parts. Grayce has made the arm we need and had a fake axe, I have got some red food colouring for some blood and we will plan to add flour to it to make it lumpy and more realistic. I still have to try and get a fake knife, police jacket and bullet proof vest. I will buy the knife and make the bullet proof vest, i have asked at home if i can get police jackets which are just high vis jackets/vests. So far we are making good progress but we will try to get all filming done by next week and then start to edit.

Sixth Blog

We had a big problem with our actors and the dates on which to film. We had planned to film on Thursday but Tom Courcey who is playing Barry has work, we changed it to Wednesday but Tom Suchoruckza was busy, also Tuesday and Monday were no options either. We have decide to get another actor for Tom Courcey's part of Barry, we think we can get Marcus Papworth to do it but are still in discussion about this problem. He said he cant be any later that 5 o'clock on Thursday so now we will have to rush it, as we want to get it all done in one day.

Thursday 21 January 2010

Media post - Scene photos

This shows Grayce as a victim crawling away from a the murderer. She is playing her character Whitney.
This shows Grayce again as Whitney but dead, as she has been killed by the murderer

This shows Grayce backing away from the murderer who comes out of the darkness and attacks her. This is the view point of the murderer

This shows me, Katie, in the position of the murdered, the picture is from the view point of of the victim Whitney.

This shows me again, but as the role of Jennifer hiding behind a tree waiting for Cindy to hurry up but she has fallen.

Friday 15 January 2010

Media post- New location

We have chosen a new location because this will give us more places to hide, this will have it a more woods effect and a more spooky atmosphere. It is only a few minutes away from our previous location so its not a problem to get to. Althought we may have a problem with the 'police car' and showing it for the opening. But we will work this our.

Fifth Blog

Whilst doing the filming for our opening, we will need props and costumes for the character, we will need:

Fake Blood- Red food colouring, flour and glucose syrup
Foam axe- from a joke shop
Foam knife- from a joke shop
Foam shovel- from a joke shop
Police bullet proof vest- Try to find one or borrow from someone

Jennifer- Plain top, jeans and shoes
Whitney- Same as above
Cindy- Same as above
Barry- Same as above
Chad- Same as above
Murderer- Dark clothes, hoodie, dark jeans and shoes

Media post- questionnaire results (graphs)

As the graph shows, the 6Th formers favorite genre is comedy, as we did this for our preliminary task, we chose to do the second favorite which was horror. In an opening the 6Th formers would like to See more blood rather than action.
There was a tie between special effects in the film opening, people chose between yes and sometimes, so we will try to put some in but this could prove difficulty.

Action is a key element for a film as 6Th formers want as much as this in a film opening.

The actors in films are important to the students because they know what they will get in the film, so we are planning on using the previous actors that we used in our preliminary task to show consistency.

The credits apparently don't ruin the reality of the film said the 6Th formers. So we will try and put some credits in

Tuesday 12 January 2010

Media post- Scene settings

The first two pictures are of the area of grass we will use to film. It has a big bush and trees. When we film, hopefully we wont have the snow there and it wont be as cold.

The street lamp we will use for light, when we film, there won't be bins there and again the snow won't be either.

The behind image of the grass and bush area is quite big so we can walk around in it and we are near a road so we can get our 'police car' near the grass.

The rest of the trees and grassy area, this is perfect for our eerie wood like area for the filming.

Friday 8 January 2010

Media post- Script

Script – Film Opening

Jennifer - Caitlin Douglas
Whitney – Grayce Collis
Chad – Ricky Roy
Cindy – Becca Cronin
Barry – Tom Courcey
Murderer – Tom Suchoruckza

Chad is running away from something through a forest.
Chad: (heavy breathing)
Chad trips over branch, turns round to see a dark figure.
Dark Figure lunges at Chad with a spade, piercing Chad’s arm, slicing it off and then stabs through chest. Screen goes black.

Barry: Chad! Where the hell are you?
Walks between trees.
Murderer: (heavy breathing)
Barry: Chad? That you?
Barry peers into bush, deformed face looks back at him, Barry see’s Chad’s body parts on the ground.
Murderer holds up Chad’s arm and waves it.
Barry: (screams)
With one swing of the axe, murderer slices axe at Barry’s chest, falls to floor.

Cindy: What’re we doing out here?
Whitney: I’m friggin’ freezing!
Jennifer: We’ll go as soon as we find Barry and Chad.
Cindy: Bastards better hurry up.
Whitney finds a spade on the floor.
Whitney: Maybe they buried each other?
Cindy: Gross...
Jennifer turns to see a dark figure
Jennifer: Wait, Is that Chad?
Cindy: I think so...
Whitney: Why is he staring at us?
Dark figure walks towards them.
Cindy: Chad, where’s Barry?
Figures deformed face becomes clear.
Jennifer: Shit.
Figure holds up Barry’s head
Whitney: (Screams)
Cindy: Oh my God!
Jennifer: RUN!
All three run.
Show murderer point of view

Whitney & Jennifer are hiding behind tree
Jennifer: CINDY! HURRY UP!!!! (Whispered shout)
Whitney: COME ON!!
Cindy falls.
Jennifer turns to go help. Murderer emerges from darkness.
Stabs Cindy in a quick motion, Jennifer looks on in horror.
Jennifer: (Screams)
Murderer looks in direction of J&W
Whitney pulls Jennifer back.
Whitney: We gotta go.

Police sirens wail.
Shows policemen getting out of car.
Jennifer: Whitney, over there.
Whitney: Let’s go
Whitney walks towards police car. Murderer steps out in front, grabs her she falls.
Backs away, lunges at her.
Whitney: (screams & grunts as stabbed)
Shout echoes, sound distorts, lights flash, murderer is grabbed by policemen.

Close-up of Jennifer, panicking in sweat at the memory of her dead friends

Media post - Storyboard

In this storyboard it shows the first six scenes of our film opening. There are six characters overall, one is the murderer and the rest are a group of friends. All of the friends are killed except the main character Jennifer. The first scene shows Chad about to be killed, Barry in the second, this third is on Jennifer, Cindy and Whitney being chased by the killer, in the fourth, Cindy falls and is stabbed by the killer. The fifth is Whitney going to get help at the police car and the murderer jumps out and stabs her, the last picture is of Jennifer in a panicked state remembering the past event.

Tuesday 5 January 2010

Fourth Blog

After having a break over the holidays, we have completed the script, sorted out the location and how to use the area around us. We are having some trouble with the scripting to make sure it is 2 minutes long but we feel that it may be longer, we will shorten it whilst filming and editing. We have done one deconstruction but are finding it hard to do the other one because film openings like Prom Night aren't popular and so they are difficult to find. We will inform our actors when we are going to film and what locations we are using. The props we have decided to use will be difficult to get because we will have to make some of them for special effects so we can have deformed bodies and limbs. There is a problem with the current weather as there is snow on the ground and it is cold, this could cause problems for the actors as they need to be able to fall on the floor if they get killed. We will find a way to sort this out or an alternative place to film.